Journal Articles  (peer-reviewed) 
Christoph Solstreif-Pirker. “Toward a Feminine-Matrixial Understanding of Modernity: Subjectivity-as-World-Fabric, the Ecology of Love, and the Temporality of Just Now.” CLS: Comparative Literature Studies 60, no. 3 (2023): 561-577. doi:10.5325/complitstudies.60.3.0561. DOWNLOAD PDF

Christoph Solstreif-Pirker. “The Scream Is Not Silenced: A Mountainous Passage to Ettingerian Environmental Ethics.” PCS: Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 27 (2022): 563-578. doi:10.1057/s41282-022-00321-0. DOWNLOAD PDF

Christoph Solstreif-Pirker. “Architecture as Proto-Ethic Entanglement: Matrixial Encounters with Gruinard Island, Scotland.” Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture 56 (2021): 104-111. DOWNLOAD PDF

Christoph Solstreif-Pirker. “Breathing into the Ecological Trauma: The Case of Gruinard Island.” JAR: Journal for Artistic Research 21 (2020): doi:10.22501/jar.638234. VIEW

Christoph Solstreif-Pirker. “Just a mere Spring to take: Embedding in Capitalocenic Atmospheres.” Ruukku: Studies in Artistic Research 13 (2019): doi:10.22501/ruu.573767. VIEW

Christoph Solstreif-Pirker. “Exulting Matters: On the Spatial Doxology of Alpine Sounds” GAM: Graz Architecture Magazine 14 (2018): 198–211. DOWNLOAD PDF

Book Chapters  (peer-reviewed)
Christoph Solstreif-Pirker. “Bildung für den Epochenwechsel: Überlegungen zu einer ästhetisch-ethischen Praxis des Berührtwerdens.” In Ausgangspunkte: Positionen und Reflexionen der Kunstpädagogik in der Steiermark, 2020-2024 , edited by Viktoria Taucher. pp. 42-45. Graz: Leykam. LINK

Christoph Solstreif-Pirker. “We, a Peripheral Time-Space-Body: Notes on Encounter-Investigation, Corpo-Reality, and the Gentleness of Stones.” In Peripheries in Parallax: Sites, Passages, Materialities (Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies), edited by Maiju Loukola, Mari Mäkiranta and Jonna Tolonen, pp. 125-139. New York, NY: Routledge, 2024. doi:10.4324/9781003348269-11. LINK

Christoph Solstreif-Pirker. “Participating in the Wound of the World: A Matrixial Rethinking of Eco-anxiety.” In Eco-Anxiety and Planetary Hope: Experiencing the Twin Disasters of COVID-19 and Climate Change, edited by Douglas A. Vakoch and Sam Mickey, pp. 87–97. Cham: Springer, 2022. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-08431-7_9. LINK

Christoph Solstreif-Pirker. “Quivering Breathturns: Breathing Non-Air as Co-Poietic Praxis for the (Post-)Anthropocene.” In Postcards from the Anthropocene: Unsettling the Geopolitics of Representation, edited by Benek Çinçik and Tiago Torres-Campos, pp. 248–253. Barcelona: dpr, 2021. ISBN 978-84-949388-7-0. LINK

Other Publications
Christoph Solstreif-Pirker. “Wucherung und Form.” trans – Fachmagazin des Departements Architektur der ETH Zürich 28 (2016): 56–59.

Christoph Solstreif-Pirker. “Dear Architecture!” In Dear Architecture: Letters on Love, Apologies and Gratuitous Selfies, edited by Blank Space Publishing, 126–127. New York, NY: Blank Space Publishing, 2015.

Christoph Solstreif-Pirker. “Tokyo, Hydra 11.” In 16 nye landskaber: Kartografi 2014. Berlin, Paris, Tokyo, edited by Cort Ross Dinesen, 34–35. København: Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademiets Skoler for Arkitektur, Design og Konservering, 2013.

Christoph Solstreif-Pirker. “In Between Scapes of Light.” In Regenerative Infrastructures: Freshkills Park NYC, edited by Caroline Klein, 90–93. New York, NY: Prestel, 2013.

Lectures and lecture performances
“Appreciating the Desert and The Standing-Still Actualizing Tendency: First Encounters between E.M. Cioran and Person-Centered Psychotherapy,” Symposium Sclipiri de serenitate paradoxală: Emil Cioran și Psihoterapia Centrată pe Persoană, Romanian Association for Person-Centered Psychotherapy, Bucharest, February 2025.

“‘If You Do What is Right, Carry!’ – (Re-)Introducing the Carrying Paradigm within the Person-Centered Approach (with the voices of Lévinas and Ettinger”, 5th PCE Europe Symposium “Welcoming Polyphony in a Changing World”, Ionic Center, Athens, September 2023. 

Towards a Feminine-Matrixial Imaginary of the Present: A Journey into Ecologies of Non-Harmony, Trans-Connectedness and Trustful Co-Emergence,” International Research Society for Children's Literature Congress 2023, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 2023.

“Being-There is Already Enough: Encounter-Investigation as Artistic Research Practice,” Social Distance, Social Togetherness and the Experience of the Other symposium (Nordic Summer University Study Circle 7: “The Experiential in Artistic Practice and Research”), Stockholm University of the Arts, Sweden, February 2023.
“Matrixial Breath: A First Introduction to Rhythms, Procedures, and Consequences of Respiratory “Jointness-in-Difference,” Airy Encounters: Respiratory Philosophy and Sound Arts symposium, Sibelius Academy, UniArts Helsinki, Finland, June 2022.

“‘The World is Gone, I Will Carry You:’ Artistic Research as Feminine-Based Performative Praxis,” Artistic Research @Kristiania annual symposium, Kristiania University College, Oslo, Norway, March 2021.

“Notes on ‘Breathing Non-Air’,” Breathing With Symposium, Uniarts Helsinki, November 2020.

“Many Of Them Cried: Trauma and Beauty in Performative Research,” Art Safiental – Alps Art Academy, Tenna, Switzerland, November 2020.

“Artistic Research, Architecture, and the Ecological Trauma,” Institute for Contemporary Art, TU Graz, Austria, December 2019.

“Becoming-Night: For an Investigative Approach to Come,” 11th Conference of the Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present (ASAP), University of Maryland, Maryland, MN, USA, October 2019.

“Why Do My Lungs Hurt? Tuning Into the Non-Democratic Song of the Universe,” Performance Studies International Conference, School of Creative and Performing Arts, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, July 2019.

“Carriance of Breath: On the Peripheric Praxis of Being-towards-Birth,” Floating Peripheries: Sites and Situations Conference, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, January 2019.

“Performative Ontologies of the Indefinite,” Young Architectural Research Symposium, House of Architecture, Graz, Austria, July 2018.

“Becoming Other Writing,” ITINERANT Performance Art Festival & Symposium, Queens Museum of Art, New York City, NY, USA, May 2018.

“‘Landschaftskörper:’ Constructing the House,” 2nd International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research, Orpheus Institute, Ghent, Belgium, November 2017.

“Greetings from Home,” Postcards from the Anthropocene: Unsettling the Geopolitics of Representation Conference, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, June 2017.

“Transversal, Processual, Schizoid: Three Movements for Artistic Research,” Faculty of Architecture, TU Graz, Austria, June 2017.

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